A week of recuperation

Last week was one of holding back. I was told by the surgeon that, due to my pacemaker, they couldn’t use the cauterizing machine that is electric, so I had a much greater chance of internal bleeding than most. I MUST take it easy and definitely not lift anything over 5kg. Of course, being a bloke, I listened and did the exact opposite! Well, only once as that is all it took to learn. Our new husky is scarred of cars so I lifted her in to the boot. Big mistake at 26.5kg, but thankfully only a strain and after an ice pack or two I was OK.

I was, however, told that after three days that I could do light exercise such as short walks. So, as Monday came, I started walking Lyla twice a day with my girlfriend, Carole. We were out for an hour each time and walked slowly at first and built up the speed through the week carefully. Short is a very relative term though. By the end of the week we had done 53 miles of walking. Compared to walking to Scotland, that is a short distance, but I doubt that is what they meant lol.

The walk on Saturday was wonderful. A 10 mile walk in the Chilterns with quite a few bluebell woods as well. So many lovely smells and sights, it really lifted the heart. At six miles we stopped at a lovely pub we know and had lunch. Lyla was good as gold and lay down under the table. Considering that this was only 6 days in to having her as a rescue dog, we were delighted. Sunday, we did the same walk but without the pub. Somehow, no idea why, it just didn’t feel as nice a walk!

Next week, this week now, is about gradually building up and getting back to where I was. No gym yet and swimming only later, but getting the running going again. Fingers crossed it will all go well.


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