Big changes

The news came through that the 7 marathons race that I was training for is now only happening every two years. That means that the 2021 race is no longer happening. There is no way that we will be able to raise the entry fee by the 2020 race, nor will I be fit enough.… Continue reading Big changes

Going whole food

The last two weeks have been interesting. Having watched Game Changer and Forks over Knives, two documentaries on what we should and shouldn’t eat, Carole and I took the decision that we should head towards a more Whole Food diet. The vast amount of protein that I was consuming through the eating of meat and… Continue reading Going whole food

A good week

This week was the first in a while where I actually managed to do all 11 training sessions! It was really good to get them all in. I felt a real sense of success. The week started with me feeling tired as I had overdone the end of the previous week. Monday’s 7 mile run… Continue reading A good week